Welcome to the 
Empowered Entrepreneur Network

Unlock Your Success: Expert Tools and Resources for 
Building a Financially Stable, Tax-Savvy Business

Leave the TikTok videos with insane (and bad) advice behind.
Unlock the essentials for success with comprehensive guidance and top-tier tools. 
Whether you're starting, running, or growing your business, 
I'll provide you with the expertise and resources to do it right.

What You'll Find in Your Annual Membership:


Stay updated and informed with an exclusive small business blog. Get insider tips on tax savings and regulatory changes, never miss a deadline with due date reminders, and discover effective growth strategies to elevate your small business.


QuickBooks Online is a great tool, but it isn't always the magic wand it appears to be. It still requires a little human interaction to keep your finances (and taxes) accurate. I'll show you some tips and tricks to make your bookkeeping stress a thing of the past.


Receive downloadable resources to support topics discussed in blogs, webinars, and other areas of the network. Videos are great, but having something concrete to refer back to later takes your journey to the next level.


Diving into entrepreneurship often feels like navigating uncharted waters. The challenges can indeed be overwhelming, but you don't have to face them alone. In our community, like-minded professionals come together to share insights, solve problems, and provide support when it's needed most.
Ready to wake up and succeed every day?
Let's kickstart the learning, networking, 
and tax savings!

Leave the TikTok Videos with Insane 
(and, quite frankly, bad) Advice Behind

Discover Expert-Backed Strategies That Actually Work!

Are you tired of seeing the latest TikTok trends giving you questionable business advice? It’s easy to get lost in the endless scroll of flashy tips that promise quick success but often fall short. Leave behind the confusion and step into a world where real, proven strategies can set your business on a path to sustainable growth.

What the Network Offers:

1. Reliable, Expert Knowledge 
Gain access to content from industry experts with years of experience. Our advice is based on valuable insights and tested strategies—no fluff or gimmicks.

2. Step-by-Step Guidance
Navigating the business world can be complicated. Our clear, actionable steps make it simple for you to apply what you learn immediately.

3. Community Support  
Join a thriving community of like-minded professionals. Share your journey, ask questions, and get feedback from peers who are also serious about success.

4. Continuous Learning
Stay updated with the latest trends and adaptations in the market with our ongoing classes and resources. Never fall behind with our easily accessible, up-to-date material.

Ready to Transform Your Business?

It's time to stop chasing whimsical advice and start building a solid foundation for your business with strategies that work. Join us today and leave the bad advice behind while investing in your future with real, actionable knowledge. 

Hey there! I'm SO glad you found this network!

Unlock Your Business Potential with Expert Guidance from a Seasoned CPA

Hi, I'm Terri. With over 20 years of experience as a Certified Public Accountant, I'm passionate about empowering serious, driven entrepreneurs like you. My mission? To help you become more confident, empowered, and profitable in your small business pursuits.

I've walked in your shoes. Having started three businesses of my own, I understand the challenges and triumphs of entrepreneurship. I've also assisted thousands of small business owners in establishing stable enterprises and saving substantial amounts in taxes—all without triggering costly and stressful IRS audits.

Think a CPA is just for tax preparation? Think again! There are numerous opportunities you could be missing out on. I am dedicated to bringing you expert insights and actionable strategies, all for one small annual fee.

Invest in your business for 2024 and beyond. Let’s unlock the full potential of your enterprise together.

I look forward to welcoming you to the Community!

Become More Empowered 
& Profitable Today
Join now and get instant access to the blog, detailed videos, downloadable content, and online community.

As a Founding Member, your 1st year is just $199! Join us as we grow the community and our library of small business resources. That's less than you'd pay for one meeting with your CPA. (And did I mention it's tax-dedutible for your business?!)

  • Detailed videos explaining small business start-up and tax topics with IRS references so you know you're receiving sound advice
  • Downloadable worksheets and planners
  • QuickBooks tips & tricks
  • Professional community of serious entrepreneurs (and none of the spam, ads, and distractions of social media)
  • Drawings & Prizes

Copyright Empowered Entrepreneur Network LLC 2024